Myriad is proud to be part a new initiative to deliver organic food without using fossil fuels.

Here at Myriad Organics we are always looking at ways find better sustainable options, both in terms of our customers being able to shop sustainably, and in the day to day running of the business. One of the areas this has been harder to implement, has been the delivery of our Ludlow veg boxes … until now!
Myriad is proud to share our involvement in the trial of an exciting new initiative developed by the Ludlow 21 Sustainable Transport Group, (who include Myriad’s very own Kim Holroyd), and the amazing Islabikes team.
Islabikes and the Sustainable Transport Group have worked together to create a Cargo bike delivery service model for Ludlow.
Myriad have been fortunate to have been involved in the trial for the past month, and it is proving a great success!
On Wednesday afternoon at Myriad, Pete, Isla and Haji will load up the cargo bike with our lovely veg boxes, and with some expert route planning, the boxes are delivered around Ludlow. The bike makes two runs from the shop, delivering groceries to between twelve and fifteen customers weekly.
The electric assist Cargo bike creates zero emissions, and is able to make the deliveries in around the same time it would take by van.This is really creating an efficient and sustainable solution, in helping to reduce the impact of last mile delivery.
The Islabikes team are offering this amazing service to any Ludlow based business that makes deliveries in town until the end of 2021.
We think this delivery service is a great sustainable (and fun) way of helping to lower the carbon footprint of a business.
Check out our last Instagram post for more pictures and a look at the Cargo bike in action @myriadorganics